话剧《不准出生的人》(由北京部队政治部话剧团演出),是一出反映西藏人民苦难和新生的好戏。一九六四年,当这出戏首次在北京上演的时候,敬爱的周总理观看了演出,赞扬这出戏写得很感人,并建议把它搬上银幕。在粉碎了“四人邦”的今天,这出戏经过修改,又重新和首都广大观众见面,我们感到非常高兴! 这个戏以西藏民主改革前后的阶级斗争现实为背景,描写了扎西等农奴的形象,表现了他们在党的领导下,终于走上翻身解放的道路。看这出戏,首先给我们的一个强烈印象就是扎西这个人物写得真实可信。其所以真实可信,就是因为作者不仅写了扎西的觉醒过程,而且把这种觉醒的过程写得很细致、很曲折。剧中的扎西是一个饱受苦难的农奴典型。他拚死拚活忍受了难以想象的屈辱,希望用自己的劳动赎出他心爱的央金作
The drama “No Born Person” (performed by the Repertory Theater of the Political Department of the Beijing Forces) is a good show reflecting the suffering and new life of the Tibetan people. In 1964, when the play was staged for the first time in Beijing, beloved Premier Chou watched the performance and praised the play for being very touching and suggested putting it on the screen. Today, after the “gang of four” was smashed, this drama was revised and again met with a large audience in the capital. We are very pleased that this play, based on the reality of class struggle before and after the democratic reforms in Tibet, described the lives of serfs such as Tashi, Showing that under the leadership of the party, they have finally embarked on the path of emancipation. To see this play, one of the first strong impressions that came to us is that this character of Tashi is truly authentic. It is so credible because the author not only wrote about the process of awakening Tashi, but also wrote the process of awakening very carefully and very twists and turns. Tashi in the play is a quintessential suffering serf. He desperately put up with unimaginable humiliation, hoping to use his own work to redeem his beloved central gold