中国的戏曲,有其鲜明的特征。那就是绝大多数的剧种,那是以地方戏的形式存在着的。象京剧那样的全国性的大剧种,为数极少。任何一个剧种,无不都以其浓厚的地方性,见异于其它剧种。所谓地方性,就是特有的乡俗民情。地方民俗,是剧种赖以生成存活的土壤;地方戏不能离开土壤,不能离开独特的民俗氛围而存在。那里是它的出生地,也是它的主要流行地。 可见,地方戏应该具有浓烈的乡土气息。“老乡”们看自己的“家乡戏”,会产生一种异乎寻常的亲切
Chinese opera has its distinctive features. That is the vast majority of drama, it is in the form of local drama exists. There are very few national operas like Beijing Opera. Any kind of drama, all with its strong local, different from other operas. The so-called local, is the unique folk custom. Local folklore is the soil on which the operas are based; the local play can not leave the soil and can not exist without its unique folk customs. Where it is born, it is also its main popular place. Visible, local opera should have a strong local flavor. “Fellow” who look at their “hometown drama”, will have an extraordinary kindness