The role of thrombosis in heart infarction has long been established. The vast majority of patients with evidence of infarction had an autopsy with thrombi in the coronary arteries, and a high rate of angiography in the survivors of the infarction proved obstructive, mostly due to thrombus. On the other hand, only a small percentage of sudden death patients can find obstructive thrombi. However, sudden death due to arrhythmia can be caused by blockage of coronary microcirculation by platelet aggregation in animals, suggesting that platelets play a key role in sudden death: blockage of microcirculation by agglutination or release of thromboxane A2 TxA_2) causes vasospasm. First, the antithrombotic effect of aspirin The above results caused a strong inhibitor of platelet aggregation - aspirin interest. There are two effects of aspirin and thrombosis: ① can inhibit the synthesis of platelet thromboxane A_2, thus reducing the agglutination. ② inhibit the synthesis of prostacyclin (PGI_2) in the vascular wall. PGI_2 itself inhibits platelet aggregation and promotes smooth muscle relaxation. because