[目的]调查研究烟台入境可再生废物进口数量、携带微生物状况及再加工场所气溶胶微生物污染状况。[方法]参照《消毒技术规范》用5cm×5cm规格板标出采样区,以沾有无菌生理盐水的灭菌棉拭子采样,采增菌液增菌、平板分离培养、生化免疫鉴定等方法对样品进行检测。[结果]入境废旧物品样品检测168份样品,携带细菌总数平均为4628.86 cfu/cm2,大肠菌群平均为495.08 cfu/cm2;样品中检出绿脓杆菌等十余种致病菌、条件致病菌。在入境废旧塑料再加工工厂分拣场所气溶胶中,检出包括肺炎链球菌在内的三十余种细菌。[结论]入境再生废旧物品受到不同程度的微生物污染,虽然没有国家或行业标准对进口废旧物品微生物污染程度的限制,仍需要加强对从业人员的防护。
[Objective] The research aimed to investigate the import quantity of imported renewable waste in Yantai, the carrying status of microbes and the status of aerosol microbial contamination in rework sites. [Method] With reference to the “Technical Specifications for Sterilization”, the sampling area was marked with a 5 cm × 5 cm size plate and sampled with a sterilized cotton swab stained with sterile physiological saline to increase the amount of bacteria added to the culture broth, separated from the plate, and biochemically identified Methods Samples were tested. [Results] 168 samples of imported waste samples were detected, the average number of bacteria carried was 4628.86 cfu / cm2, and the average coliforms was 495.08 cfu / cm2. More than ten kinds of pathogenic bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa were detected in the samples, bacteria. More than thirty kinds of bacteria, including S. pneumoniae, were detected in the aerosol of sorting sites for used plastic rework factories. [Conclusion] The imported waste materials for recycling are subject to different levels of microbial contamination. Although there is no national or industrial standard to limit the degree of microbial contamination of imported waste materials, the protection of employees should still be strengthened.