俗话说:“过了三伏关,黄鳝变金砖”,这不但说明了度夏后黄鳝的珍贵,更道出了黄鳝 安全度夏的难度。夏季黄鳝养殖必须抓住以下五个关键环节:1 要搞好防暑降温黄鳝的适温上限为28℃,夏天阳光曝晒易使池水迅速升温,使黄鳝中暑 。可在池子四周种植南瓜、丝瓜、扁豆、葡萄等
As the saying goes: “After a three-volt off, the eel becomes golden”, which not only shows the summer after the eel’s precious, but also revealed the safety of summer eel difficult. Summer eel farming must seize the following five key areas: 1 to do a good summer heatstroke mitochondrial upper limit of 28 ℃, summer sun exposure easy to make the water temperature rapidly so that the eel sunstroke. Can be planted around the pond pumpkin, loofah, lentils, grapes and so on