当听到家乡大开发的喜讯,我激动得手舞足蹈,奔走相告,家乡终于要打“翻身仗”了。 正在西部老百姓为渴望幸福生活之际,以江总书记为核心的党中央高瞻远瞩,审时度势,不失时机地提出实施西部大开发的战略,使西部的经济发展遇到了千载难逢的历史性机遇。党中央的这一重大决策,震撼着西部老百姓那颗质朴的心,使我们听到
When I heard the good news about the great development in my hometown, I was very excited and dances, and my hometown was finally going to fight for a turnaround. At a time when the common people in the west desire a happy life, the party Central Committee with General Secretary Jiang as the core has a far-sighted look at the situation and seized the opportune moment to put forward the strategy of carrying out the large-scale development of the western region, which has brought about historic historic opportunities for the economic development in the western region. This important decision of the Central Party Committee shook the simple heart of the common people in the West and made us hear