我不善品茶,更不懂什么茶艺、茶道,但是去年夏天在泉州一家茶艺馆观看了一整个茶艺过程后,不但大开了我的眼界,而且翻动了我本己淡忘了的喝茶历程。 茶艺小姐用纤纤玉指娴熟地摆弄着小巧玲珑的茶具,先是洗杯、温壶道“仙女沐浴”,再是落茶、洗茶称“观音入殿、雨洗珍珠”,再是冲水、刮沫似“高山流水、春风拂面”,酹茶、点茶若“祥龙行雨、凤凰点头”,最后,姑娘将装着茶的高杯放在小小的托盘上,并逐一配上一个空的矮杯,双手捧到客人跟前,我接过姑娘送来的香茗,轻轻来个“鲤鱼翻身”,先是搓杯闻香,尽吸大自然草木之精华,然后徐徐而啜,细品玉液琼浆之甘淳。此刻,我在尘世中积聚的满腹浮躁已偃旗息鼓,所有的名利荣辱都烟消云散,整个人像炎炎盛夏走进深山密林之中。
I am not good tea, but do not know what tea, tea ceremony, but last summer in Quanzhou, a tea house to watch a whole tea process, not only opened my eyes, but also flipped I had forgotten the tea process. Miss tea art with slender fingers skillfully play with the small and exquisite tea, first wash the cup, warm pot Road, “Fairy bathing,” then fall tea, tea called “Guanyin into the temple, rain washed pearls,” then flushing, scraping Foam like “mountains and rivers, the spring breeze blowing,” 酹 tea, tea if the “Dragon dragons, Phoenix nodded”, and finally, the girl will be placed on a small cup of tea with a small tray, and one by one with an empty Short cup, hands up to the guests in front, I took the girl sent the tea, gently to a “carp stand up”, first rub the cup scent, make the most of the essence of natural vegetation, and then slowly sip, fine jade Gan Chun liquid agar. At the moment, I have accumulated in the world of impetuous has died down, all the fame and fortune are vanished, the whole figure into the midst of the hot summer.