Low-permeability reservoirs are characterized by tight lithology, large seepage resistance and poor pressure-conducting ability. The decrease of formation pressure will affect the permeability and affect the productivity of oil and gas wells. Currently, permeability stress sensitivity is generally evaluated by in-house physical simulation experiments. Influencing factors of stress sensitivity evaluation results are analyzed in terms of experimental conditions, permeability base value and inherent properties of rock. The results show that the exogenous factors, permeability, clay mineral content and pore type that affect the result of stress sensitivity are the internal factors that affect the experimental results of stress sensitivity. The flow medium, water saturation, pressurization method and permeability are the base values. In order to ensure the correctness of stress sensitivity evaluation results, physical simulation experiments should be carried out. At the same time, reasonable experimental conditions, permeability base values and representative cores should be selected in combination with the actual situation of evaluation blocks.