本文利用 T 型杂交小麦组合 YUCC-78的后代 F_2、F_3、F_4、F_5、F_6和F 6(F_4),分析了产量和品质性状的变化趋势。分析结果表明:(1)杂种 F_2的产量急剧下降,极显著地低于常规推广良种。从 F_2起产量连续下降,直到 F_4下降到最低,F_5和 F_6又有明显地回升的趋势;(2)杂种 F_2的容重和千粒重急剧下降,极显著地低于常规推广良种,但 F_2~F_6各世代容重的变化不大,各世代间无显著差异;(3)杂种 F_2的干、湿面筋含量低于常规推广良种,但与常规推广良种没有显著差异。随着世代的向后推移,各世代的干、湿面筋含量有下降的趋势。
In this paper, we used F 2, F 3, F 4, F 5, F 6 and F 6 (F 4) of T-hybrid wheat combination YUCC-78 to analyze the trend of yield and quality traits. The results showed that: (1) The yield of hybrid F 2 decreased sharply, significantly lower than that of the conventional popularized seed. F_2, F_5 and F_6 decreased obviously from F_2 till F_4 dropped down and F_5 and F_6 increased obviously again; (2) Bulk density and 1000-grain weight of F_2 descended sharply, significantly lower than those of conventional popularized varieties There was no significant difference in bulk density between generations, and there was no significant difference between generations. (3) The dry and wet gluten content of hybrid F_2 was lower than that of conventional popularized varieties, but there was no significant difference with conventional popularized varieties. With the passage of generations, the dry and wet gluten content of all generations has been declining.