经皮心室重建术是一种对于陈旧性前壁心肌梗死伴前壁无运动或反常运动、左室射血分数下降的心力衰竭患者,采用经导管于左心室植入左心室隔离装置新型的治疗手段。现在国外一些发达国家已经使用于临床,并收到良好的效果,由于经皮心室重建术在这类患者中取得了较好的疗效,因此经皮心室重建术受到人们很大关注。现就近年左心室隔离装置系统、临床试验和应用、研究进展以及与外科手术治疗相比较等方面做简要综述。“,”Percutaneous ventricular restoration ( PVR) is a novel treatment that is used percutaneously in left ventricle patients with anteroapical regional wall motion abnormality , dilated left ventricle and systolic dysfunction after anterior myocardial infarction , and poor left ventricle ejection fraction of heart failure .It has already been widely used in clinical practice in some countries and had good clinical results . This article provides an overview of PVR , including the left ventricular partitioning device system , clinical trials and application, and more.