Road Underfoot,Dream Ahead

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  In 1983, Theodore Levitt, marketing professor of Harvard Business School, proposed the term of “globalization” for the first time in his publication Globalization of the Market to summarize potential changes of international economy over the past 20 years prior to 1985. Since then, globalization has gradually prevailed and became the most quoted word to describe flow, restructuring and allocation of capital, technology, resources, information and labor worldwide. In such a context, international cooperation has been even closer in all fronts, in particular in economy, politics, culture, science and technology. And given highly frequent natural disasters and ecological crises, international cooperation in fields of ecology and environmental protection has also risen on top agenda.
  If globalization is viewed as a global sweep of waves, Naian Group in Henan Province well deserves "a rider" against this turbulence of waves. Cherishing the dream of benefiting the world, an idea began to grow in Naian as early as many years back to promote advanced technologies around the globe. Unfortunately, restricted by channels, the international market hasn’t been fully tapped. That is partly blamed for severe soil pollution in most parts of the world and partly for layers of worrisome trade barriers. Thus, staff of Naian Company realizes that only by unremitting accumulation of sales and building public recognition can the enterprise and the products be well prepared for an entry into the global market.
  Accumulating vast practices to bide its time
  Since its debut in 2005, herbicide side-effect controller developed by Naian has been applied and popularized on as much as 8,000 mus of farmland in over ten provinces including the three provinces of Northeast, Henan, Hebei and Shandong by the year 2014. Among the rest, a total of over 30 billion yuan of immediate economic losses have been saved for farmers from up to 20 million mus of cancer fields incurred by long-term use of herbicide residue in northeastern provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. What’s more, an experiment conducted by the National Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Center (NATESC) of the Ministry of Agriculture between 2012 and 2013 demonstrates that, long-acting Dalishi polyglutamic acid fertilizer effectiveness improving technology (Dalishi fertilizer accelerator) can contribute to 30% of fertilizer cut, making a new breakthrough in China's fertilizer reduction.   Opportunities always prefer a prepared mind. Success of Naian series products have won an expanding domestic market and have been well eyed by a large number of foreign countries. New Zealand, India, North Korea, Ukraine, Indonesia, Myanmar and Nigeria have introduced Naian’s herbicide controller in succession which has been proved significantly effective after trial. A foreign enterprise even tried to negotiate with Naian by all means for the procurement of this control technology with a bid up to US $ 300 million, but Naian resolutely refused since it hated to pollute a human-benefiting with monetary interest.
  Similarly, efforts of Naian has been favoured by the UN Food Agriculture Organization (FAO). Now Naian is striving to building an agricultural safety engineering system in collaboration with the FAO with a purpose of attaining common expectation of both sides and making mankind accessible to truly safe food by driving forward further development of "Degradation Technology of Pesticide Residue Gene Engineering".
  Youth’s motivational efforts are needed
  Development of young people, as the most active and vigorous force of society, relates to the future of a nation and the world at large. Whether young people are able to have access to development opportunities and space of exercise has become a grim challenge imposed on cities of all countries. Well aware of this, Naian therefore sets on creating undergraduate start-up teams and regards them as an important element of its agricultural safety engineering system.
  According to Naian, building undergraduate start-up teams, for one thing, can offer an employment platform and space for training, and for another, is a new way to facilitate undergraduates to return to agriculture and dealing with the outflow of agricultural talents. While in addition to the two, Naian has also unconsciously influenced the young people and planted them the seed of dream, which is to benefit the world.
  "Compared with us, young people have so long a way to go. It’s our task to train them with an array of technologies and spread these technologies along with concepts an products to a broader land via their strength", said by Dang Yongfu, head of Naian Group.It makes him greatly relieved to see his 20 years of dream growing stronger. It’s also a vital part of international cooperation for the Group to export technical personnel.
  Global conferences for self-improvement
  Since 2010, Naian people have not only been active in factory workshops and fields, they have also increasingly shown up at major seminars and international conferences. By relying on such platforms, they hope to draw more nutrients from their discussions and exchanges with agriculture and soil specialists from home and abroad so as to enrich their products and improve their business.   On Sep. 15-20, 2012, the 4th International Academic Seminar on Pesticide Control and Environmental Safety, the 5th Pan Pacific Conference on Pesticide Science as well as International Seminar on Global Regulation Integration were held in Beijing. Pesticide scientists and entrepreneur representatives from all over the world carried out extensive and in-depth discussions regarding pesticide management, pesticide residue of food and international trade criteria, pesticide environmental risk assessment, pesticide application technique, mechanism of pesticide metabolism and resistance. Backed by voting and deliberation of the conference organizing committee, Naian was honored with "First Prize for International Pesticide and Environmental Safety" for its herbicide side-effect prevention and control technology.
  Similar laurels also extends to the other products of Naian Group. At the 19th China Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Fair, Dalishi fertilizer accelerator and Naian herbicide additive gained unanimous recognition from participants and received Houji Special Award by the sponsors.
  For these recognitions, Dang Yongfu admits that it’s highly challenging as well as encouraging. In other words, whether the group and its products match such laurels or not still depends on the testimony of a wider expanse of land. And they still needs more guidance from experts.
  On July 2, 2014, a conference themed with sustainable urbanization and green innovation was opened in UN headquarters. It was organized by UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) and International Ecological Safety Collaborative Organization (IESCO). As the only one Chinese representative in the field of soil pollution control as well as herbicide side-effect prevention and disaster prevention and control, Dang Yongfu attended the meeting at the invitation and delivered a speech on saving the farmland “sterilized” by fertilizers and Sharing Soil Pollution Control and Technology of Improving the Effectiveness of Fertilizer in China, which was warmly received.
  Dang Yongfu said with smile that it seems to be far beyond his current plan to make a speech at the United Nations even as a dream pursuer. Despite the hardship along the way, he expresses appreciation to the people in the same camp. He believes that only hard endeavors of self-improvement can live up to the expectations of the friends around. Shortly after the UN conference, he and his team continued to engage themselves non-stop in tests of new products, working on another new target to construct a greater dream of agricultural safety engineering system to ensure more people in the world to have access to safe food.
麝牛、北极狐、旅鼠等物种生活在极寒、荒芜的苔原环境中。然而,它们经常成为研究员研究北部乡村地区气候变暖影响的对象。时至今日,这些物种仍是研究焦点,由生物学家组成的国际研究小组日前在《自然气候变化》期刊上发布了整个食物网动向的重大研究成果。研究范围包括三大陆地地区,在这些地区,气温对食物网结构产生了出乎意料的影响,但捕食者和猎物的关系对食物网和整个生态系统也至关重要。  气温主要影响北极地区北部自然
农林系统综合利用土地使用与管理技术,将树林和灌木丛纳入庄稼种植和农场家禽养殖范畴。提高农业生产力,可挽救已退化的水流域。  由世界农林中心开展的研究在菲律宾薄荷岛东部噶巴彦流域进行,农林复合系统创造了一个更加可持续管理的流域,让人们生活在那里,并从生态系统中获益。好处包括作物产量提高、收入增加和抵御气候变化能力增强。  噶巴彦流域包括退化严重的多功能山水地貌,面积达5000多公顷,60,000人的
虽然二氧化碳被描述为温室气体中的捣蛋鬼,但甲烷的威力约为二氧化碳的30倍,属于集热气体的一种。《自然》期刊最新研究表明,地球气温每升高一度,从湖水沉积物和淡水湿地的微生物中排放进入大气层的甲烷气体就会增长数十倍。湖水沉积物和淡水湿地是甲烷气体的主要来源。研究报告称,随着气温升高,甲烷排放量也会随之升高,其排放量会超过来自同类来源的二氧化碳的排放量。  研究报告作者、普林斯顿大学生态和演变生物学研究
伦敦动物学会和国际野生生物保护学会的科学家表示,应该禁止使用护栏保护濒危野生物种。  在《科学》期刊发布的文章中,作者认为应当认识到护栏的使用会引起生态变化,因此需要审查各地区护栏的使用状况。  护栏会阻隔捕食-猎物动向的发展,诸多物种如非洲野狗,已学会利用护栏围剿猎物。对于大象、野生羚羊这样的迁徙食草动物来说,使用护栏的区域会限制。  伦敦动物学会的主笔作者伍德罗夫教授表示,“在世界某些地区,护
在很多繁忙的大都市中,都罕有供人们享受绿色宁静的地方。相较而言,城市化进程较慢的地区拥有更健康和绿色的生活方式,而那些特大和工业高度发达的城市却越发远离自然生态环境。研究表明,人们的精神和心灵健康与自然环境息息相关。当人们充分接触自然环境的时候,他们会更加快乐。例如,比较一下在办公室隔间填表格的状态和在山林远足感受鸟语花香的状态,相信大多数人都会更倾向于后者。  人们与自然世界的联系向来紧密,所以
联合国自然学会周三发出警告,欧洲几乎四分之一的黄蜂面临灭绝的威胁,这极大程度是因为气候变化和集约农业的影响。  一项由欧盟筹资开展的研究称,环境小组发现在欧洲的68种黄蜂中,24%的黄蜂濒临灭绝。  研究还发现,46%的黄蜂种类数量正在不断减少,有些处于灭绝危险之中。另外29%的黄蜂数量趋于稳定,13%的黄蜂数量在不断增长,其余的黄蜂状况不明。  与其他数量不断减少的蜂类一样,黄蜂的减少会对人类造
At present, water crisis caused by shortage of resources is becoming increasingly internationalized and politicized, and it has resulted in the worries and fear of international community. Recent year
刘洪武  1956年12月出生,  北京人.  中国美术艺术家协会常务理事,  中国书协会员,  国家一级美术师.  刘洪武先生自幼习书,师从启功、刘泽、贾松杨等现代书法名家,后临欧赵及二王,并博涉其他前贤之法道,得其真谛,造诣颇深。  他笃信“天道酬勤”,并以酬勤二字作为自己的座右铭。有时为了写好一笔、一划、一个字,常常在灯下反复几遍、几十遍甚至上百遍地练习,以滴水石穿的毅力、绳锯木断的钻研精神