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吕忠梅代表多年来一直关注环保事业,仅在本届人大,围绕环境保护立法、执法和司法问题,就提出了10余件人大议案和建议。在立法方面,涉及环境保护法、物权法、侵权责任法、刑法等法律的制定和修改,建议制定我国的自然保护区法、环境损害赔偿法等立法议案;在环境执法方面,包括制定和完善我国的环境保护标准、建立以人体健康为核心的环境标准体系、加大环境保护执法力度等;在环境司法方面,建立环境公益诉讼制度、完善环境诉讼证据规则、加强环境资源司法保护等。 For many years, Lv Zhongmei has been concerned about the cause of environmental protection. Only at this NPC, on the issue of environmental protection legislation, law enforcement and judiciary, more than 10 proposals and suggestions were made. In terms of legislation, it involves the enactment and revision of the laws on environmental protection, property law, tort liability and criminal law, and proposes the formulation of legislation such as the Law of Nature Reserve and the Law on Compensation for Environmental Damage in China. In terms of environmental law enforcement, The establishment of an environmental standard system with human health as the core and the intensification of environmental protection and law enforcement; in the aspect of environmental justice, establishing an environmental public interest litigation system, perfecting evidence rules of environmental litigation, and strengthening the judicial protection of environmental resources.
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