来自钢铁市场的消息:美国欲提高钢进口关税,南美各国亦不甘示弱;作为十大废钢出口国之一的罗马尼亚提高废钢的出口关税,不知是为了增加政府收入还是要抑制废钢的出口?俄罗斯发布采矿业的新税制,吸引全世界金属生产者的关注;不知是巧合还是趋势所然,伊朗也提高了钢进口的关税。关税提高 势必削减需求;采矿业税收的提高,势必减少供给。不知这些变化是否会影响世界金属市场的供求关系?
From the steel market: the United States want to raise the tariffs on steel imports, South American countries also to be outdone; as one of the top ten exporters of scrap metal in Romania to increase export tariffs, I do not know is to increase government revenue or to curb scrap exports? Russia released mining Industry’s new tax system, to attract the attention of metal producers around the world; I do not know the coincidence or trend, Iran also increased tariffs on steel imports. Tariff increases are bound to reduce demand; mining tax revenue is bound to reduce supply. I do not know whether these changes will affect the supply and demand in the world metal market?