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我们中国的象棋是从古战场演变出来的,其中不仅包含着丰富的军事理论,同时蕴涵有一定的人生哲学,与我们立身处世不无关联。帅(将):在16枚棋子中,地位最高的是他,但自由度最小的也是他。人生断想:其实往往人所处的地位越高,处事做人越有所顾忌,背上思想包袱,放不开手脚,自我限制太多。 Our Chinese chess evolved from the ancient battlefield, which contains not only rich military theory, but also contains a certain philosophy of life, and our independence is not unrelated. Handsome (will): Among the 16 pieces, the highest position is him, but the least degree of freedom is him. Life speculation: In fact, the higher the status of people often, the more scruples of doing things, back the ideological burden, put no hands and feet, self-limiting too much.