如今,项目管理已与战略管理、营销管理并列为未来企业发展的三大支柱。起源于上世纪50年代的这一管理变革,走过近半个世纪的风雨历程,从传统到现代,一直在嬗变中不断丰富和发展。我国的一些电力企业也跃跃欲试,尝试对传统项目管理模式进行突破。亟需加快项目管理体制改革国外早期的项目管理主要运用于建筑施工领域。上世纪80年代末,一批信息技术类企业,如IBM、朗讯、AT&T等, 开始借鉴建筑施工行业的经验,将项目
Today, project management has been tied with strategic management and marketing management as the three pillars of future business development. Originated in the 1950s, this management change has gone through nearly half a century’s stormy history, from tradition to modern times, and has been continuously enriched and developed in its evolution. Some of China’s power companies are also eager to try to break through the traditional project management model. Urgent need to speed up the project management system reform Early foreign project management is mainly used in the field of construction. In the late 1980s, a group of information technology enterprises such as IBM, Lucent, AT & T began to learn from the experience of the construction industry, the project