
来源 :城市建设理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ibm__1235
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  Abstract: In this stage, BIPV is one of the most important emerging industries, BIPV highly valued by all countries, photovoltaic building more and more, but on the domestic and international norms and standards and did not involve the PV load problem. This paper is the use of probabilistic limit state design method, using statistical analysis of the data, to determine the load according to the existing norms for a photovoltaic roof when designing building structures, whether it can meet the reliability requirements.
  Keywords: BIPV; reliable indicator; loading; partial factor
  But in the domesticAbstract: photovoltaic building integrated is one of the most important emerging industries, at present stage photovoltaic building integrated attaches great importance to by national photovoltaic building more and more, but on domestic and foreign various norms and standards are not covered in the photovoltaic (pv) load. The probability limit state design method is the use of statistical analysis is used to calculate the data, determine the current load specification of roofing is equipped with photovoltaic building structural design, whether it can meet the reliability requirements.
  Abstract: photovoltaic building integrated is one of the most important emerging industries, at present stage photovoltaic building integrated attaches great importance to by national photovoltaic building more and more, but on domestic and foreign various norms and standards are not covered in the photovoltaic (pv) load. The probability limit state design method is the use of statistical analysis is used to calculate the data, determine the current load specification of roofing is equipped with photovoltaic building structural design, whether it can meet the reliability requirements.
  Abstract: photovoltaic building integrated is one of the most important emerging industries, at present stage photovoltaic building integrated attaches great importance to by national photovoltaic building more and more, but on domestic and foreign various norms and standards are not covered in the photovoltaic (pv) load. The probability limit state design method is the use of statistical analysis is used to calculate the data, determine the current load specification of roofing is equipped with photovoltaic building structural design, whether it can meet the reliability requirements.
  Abstract: photovoltaic building integrated is one of the most important emerging industries, at present stage photovoltaic building integrated attaches great importance to by national photovoltaic building more and more, but on domestic and foreign various norms and standards are not covered in the photovoltaic (pv) load. The probability limit state design method is the use of statistical analysis is used to calculate the data, determine the current load specification of roofing is equipped with photovoltaic building structural design, whether it can meet the reliability requirements Abstract: photovoltaic building integrated is one of the most important emerging industries, at present stage photovoltaic building integrated attaches great importance to by national photovoltaic building more and more, but on domestic and foreign various norms and standards are not covered in the photovoltaic (pv) load. The probability limit state design method is the use of statistical analysis is used to calculate the data, determine the current load specification of roofing is equipped with photovoltaic building structural design, whether it can meet the reliability requirements
   Abstract: photovoltaic building integrated is one of the most important emerging industries, at present stage photovoltaic building integrated attaches great importance to by national photovoltaic building more and more, but on domestic and foreign various norms and standards are not covered in the photovoltaic (pv) load. The probability limit state design method is the use of statistical analysis is used to calculate the data, determine the current load specification of roofing is equipped with photovoltaic building structural design, whether it can meet the reliability requirements
   Abstract: photovoltaic building integrated is one of the most important emerging industries, at present stage photovoltaic building integrated attaches great importance to by national photovoltaic building more and more, but on domestic and foreign various norms and standards are not covered in the photovoltaic (pv) load. The probability limit state design method is the use of statistical analysis is used to calculate the data, determine the current load specification of roofing is equipped with photovoltaic building structural design, whether it can meet the reliability requirements
  中图分类号:TU973+.33 文献标识码:A  文章编号:
  1 屋面光伏荷载统计
  本文屋面光伏各安装工艺主要参照图集10J908-5《建筑太阳能光伏安装系统设计与安装》【3】, 为了结果具有普遍通用性论文選用现在设计中常采用架空式瓦屋面光伏组件安装、嵌入式瓦屋面光伏组件安装、平屋面光伏组件安装、特殊支架光伏组件安装这四种工艺进行统计分析。
   通过对各种不同的安装工艺进行统计,并将局部荷载转为均布荷载后,对所得数据进行K-S检验【4】确定持续性荷载与临时性荷载均满足极值I分布,确定任意时刻屋面光伏持续性活荷载均值为0.2883 kN/m2,标准差为0.1881 kN/m2;任意时刻人员荷载满足极值I分布均值为0.0402 kN/m2,标准差为0.0071 kN/m2。
   2 荷载参数统计分析
  屋面光伏组件一般寿命为10~25年,本文按10年后重新安装,安装需要时间较短出现的概率约等于1,设计基准期T为50年,在设计基准期内荷载发生5次变化即r=5,已知任意时点光伏持久活荷载满足极值I分布均值为0.2883 kN/m2,标准差为0.1881 kN/m2, 根据平稳二项随机过程模型【5】确定设计基准期内荷载最大值的概率分布。
  均值 LiT=0.4397+0.5772αT=0.5244kN/m2;
  标准差 LiT=0.1881kN/m2;
  统计得任意时刻人员荷载满足极值I分布均值为0.0402 kN/m2,标准差为0.0071 kN/m2。
  均值 LiT=0.0459+0.5772αT=0.0491kN/m2;
  标准差 LiT=0.0071kN/m2;
   =0.1882 kN/m2;
  表2 各结构构件对应可靠指标
   恒载+屋面光伏活荷载组合,I值计算结果 如表3所示。
  表3 恒载与屋面光伏活荷载组合时,I值
   综合考虑四种荷载效应组合,I值计算结果 如表4所示。
  表4 综合考虑四种荷载效应组合后I值
  5 参考文献
  [2]胡杭.建筑施工期活荷载统计分析及荷载效应影响面分析 [D].北京:北京交通大学硕士论文,2009
  [6]P.索夫特-克里斯坦森 M.J.贝克.结构可靠性理论及其应用[M],1988年
  [7]龚治国,候建国等,吴春秋.现行规范中荷载分项系数的比较及修定建议[R].武汉化工学院学报.第23卷 第4期,2001
摘要: 介绍某框筒结构办公楼局部使用功能改变的加固改造方案设计。首先,分析了直接改某层荷载结构计算模型的动力特性,确定需要加固的部位。经分析,原框筒结构改造后主要存在改造层的梁板结构承载力不足的问题;其次,对相应的部位进行抗震加固设计,在设计时要注意与建筑、水电暖等专业的配合;最后,验算加固后结构模型的各项性能指标。结果表明:均能满足现行规范的各项要求。此设计为该工程加固方案之一,可供相关工程参考
摘要:随着经济的发展,社会各方面都在进步,我们国家的建筑行业也有了一定发展,在这其中,工业建筑有明显发展,但是,建筑能耗问题也随之而来,因此,在发展建筑施工技术的同时要考虑技术与节能同时实施。本文分析了我国工业建筑施工技术的发展现状,探讨了新型节能建筑材料在我国工业建筑施工技术中的应用,并分析了工业建筑施工技术的未来发展趋势。    关键词:工业建筑 施工技术 新型技术 新型材料  Abstrac
【摘要】灌注桩后压浆是指在灌注桩成桩后一定时间内,通过与设在桩身内的注浆导管及与之相连的桩端、桩侧注浆阀注入水泥浆,使桩端、桩侧土体得到加固,从而提高单桩承载力的方法。本文结合山西太原平阳景苑桩基工程后压浆技术的应用实例来说明后压浆技术的施工原理、技术要点及事故防治措施。  【关键词】桩底、桩侧后压浆桩侧摩阻力压浆管堵塞冒浆、串浆    Abstract pile after pile grout
摘要: 机编组合体 挡土墙  关键词: 机编组合体 挡土墙 应用  Abstract: The machine grouping fit retaining wall  Keywords: aircraft marshalling fit retaining wall applications  中图分类号:TU476+.4文獻标识码:A 文章编号:  1工程概况  首都机场第二通道X标段辅路北侧
摘要:目前国内大型建设工程普遍采用“业主+工程监理”的项目管理模式。该模式普遍存在着业主对项目的管理和控制力度比较薄弱的问题。本文结合国内大型建设工程实践和国外项目管理有关的理论研究,对大型建设工程的一种新型模式进行深入分析,提出了一种新型的大型建设工程管理组织模式——项目总控。本文对建设工程项目总控理论及其应用进行了研究。  关键词:建设工程 项目总控 理论 应用  Abstract: The