50多年前,革命烈士的鲜血染红了云南保山这片热土地,历史记载着抗日军民艰苦卓绝、气壮山河的斗争事迹。不久前,保山地区举行了“预备役部队快速动员转服现役”的演练,在国防与厂房、国家与小家、钞票与义务的一架架天平上,保山儿女再一次交出了国家至上、民族利益至上的好答卷。 一声令下 召之即来 在群众各种各的田、各赚各的钱的情况下,预备役部队的
More than 50 years ago, the blood of the revolutionary martyrs dyed the hot land in Baoshan, Yunnan Province. The history records the hard-fought and brave struggles of the anti-Japanese army and people in history. Not long ago, the “Baoding district mobilized soldiers to serve the active service in active mobilization” was held in Baoshan District. On the one-day balance of national defense and factories, countries and small houses, bank notes and obligations, Baoshan Children once again surrendered the supremacy of the nation. The best interests of the answer sheet. Let the order be called immediately upon the various fields of the masses, each earning its own money, the reserve force’s