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垄断产业的规制是国家经济政策的一个重要组成部分,其规制体制改革也成为人们关注的焦点。在目前,多数学者将研究的重点放在垄断企业的激励规制改革方面,而对规制的另一组成部分规制治理重视的不够。规制治理的一个重要问题就是政府承诺的可信性问题。笔者认为政府承诺的可信性问题是规制激励成功实施的一个重要保证。本文通过运用新制度经济学理论和博弈论工具对垄断产业规制改革为什么需要政府可信承诺,如何实施可信承诺问题进行了探讨,并在此基础上对如何加强我国政府承诺的可信性提出了合理化建议。 The regulation of monopoly industries is an important part of the state’s economic policies and its regulatory system reform has also become the focus of attention. At present, most scholars focus their research on the incentive regulation reform of monopoly enterprises, while they pay insufficient attention to the regulation and control of another part of the regulation. An important issue of regulation and control is the credibility of the government’s commitment. The author believes that the credibility issue promised by the government is an important guarantee for the successful implementation of regulatory incentives. By using the new institutional economics theory and the game theory tools, this paper discusses why trust in the government needs to be credible and how to implement credible commitments in monopoly industrial regulation reforms, and on this basis, puts forward some suggestions on how to strengthen the credibility of our government commitment Reasonable suggestions.
目的 研究解毒酶GSTs基因多态性与鼻咽癌的遗传易感性。方法 应用PCR技术 ,对 80例鼻咽癌和 72例正常人进行对照研究其谷胱苷肽硫转移酶GSTT1基因缺失与鼻咽癌高发的关系。
由胡亚民等编撰、张猛主审的《摆动辗压工艺及模具设计》一书已于 2 0 0 1年 12月在重庆大学出版社正式出版。该书介绍了近 2 0年发展起来的新型摆动辗压成形加工技术。该技
The microstructures of the commercial aluminum heavily deformed by the accumulative rolled bonding (ARB), the equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and the comm
发动机的六拐曲轴连杆呈 12 0°空间相位角均匀分布 ,且相位角偏差要求严格 ,因此其加工和测量较为复杂。目前常用的曲轴连杆 12 0°相位角偏差的测量方法大多存在测量精度不
在壮侗等民族中流传的“花炮”,被称为“东方橄榄球”。但实际上,前者却比后者的历史至少长三百年 In the Zhuang Dong and other ethnic spread “fireworks”, known as t