令人称奇的是,名不见经传的福州民营企业“永辉超市”在沃尔玛、麦得龙、家乐福三巨头抢滩的同时,用不到三年的时间,迅速建成12家连锁超市,并有三家营业总面积达1万多平方米的农贸超市,而且生意令人羡慕地火爆。 “永辉”成了零售业界的一匹“黑马”。
Surprisingly, the little-known private enterprises in Fuzhou, “Yonghui Supermarket” Wal-Mart, Metro, Carrefour, the Big Three beachhead at the same time, less than three years, quickly built 12 supermarket chains, and three The total area of more than 10,000 square meters of farmers supermarket, and the business enviable to hot. “Wing Fai” has become a retail industry’s “dark horse.”