近年来随着市场经济的发展,各报刊为赢得读者而展开竞争,各种“招法”层出不穷。竞争使报纸的面貌有了很大的改观,有看头了。 但在众多的“招法”里,有一种“炒新闻”的现象,应该引起我们的注意。新闻是否可以“炒”,这就需要研究一下了。记得有那么一部电视剧,由于是名作家名演员联袂合作。于是在还没出台前各家报纸便竞相报道,什么花絮,追踪,纷沓而至。于是给人的感觉
In recent years, with the development of market economy, various newspapers and magazines have competed for winning the readership, and various kinds of “tactics” have emerged one after another. Competition has made a big difference in the look of the newspaper. However, in many “tactics”, there is a phenomenon of “fry news” that should arouse our attention. News can “speculation”, which needs to be studied. I remember there is a TV series, because the famous writer and actress together. So before the introduction of various newspapers competing reports, what the trailers, tracking, piling up. So give the feeling