北京市中小学德育的整体改革是在认真反思、总结几年经验教训的基础上进行的,是与适应当前国际国内斗争形势的需要紧密结合的。一 1989年春夏之交的那场政治风波以后,我们对中小学德育工作进行了认真的思考。我们认为:北京市中小学的德育工作,从市委、市政府到教育行政部门、学校的广大干部、教师、德育工作者是重视的,他们为此付出了辛勤的劳动,有时是在极端困难的条件下顶住歪风坚持工作,积极探索,使德育工作取得了显著成效。但是,几年来资产阶级自由化思潮的泛滥,使德育工作受到的影响也是不可低估的。其影响表现在以下三个方面:
The overall reform of primary and secondary moral education in Beijing is based on years of reflection and lessons learned. It is closely linked with the need to adapt to the current international and domestic struggles. After the political turmoil at the turn of the spring and summer of 1989, we conducted serious thinking on moral education in primary and secondary schools. We think it is important for the moral education work in primary and secondary schools in Beijing to work hard from the municipal government to the administrative departments of education and to the cadres, teachers and moral educators at schools. They have worked hard and sometimes extremely difficult Under the conditions, we should persevere in the unhealthy trends and persevere in our work to explore actively so that the moral education work has achieved remarkable results. However, the proliferation of the trend of liberalization of the bourgeoisie over the past few years should not be underestimated in the moral education work. Its impact is manifested in the following three aspects: