
来源 :西南边疆民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shelley79
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本文以国家卫计委2010年、2011年在全国开展的流动人口动态监测数据为基本依据,从全国藏族流动人口在空间上的流动流向、婚姻就业、居住时间、社会经济关系、自我生活评价等方面阐述藏族流动人口在内地主要聚集地的生存现状,并基于对生存现状的调查对其在当地的社会融入问题也进行了一定的摸底分析。本文发现,藏族人口向内地流动的情况比较频繁,但在流入地社会关系比较单一,族群和地域认同关系比较突出;在社会融入方面,对流入地有强烈融入的意愿,但实际融入因行业、交往范围的限制,其融入还存在一定的难度和问题。 In this paper, based on the data of dynamic monitoring of floating population carried out by the National Health Planning Commission in 2010 and 2011 in China, this paper analyzes the spatial distribution of migrant population in Tibet from three aspects: the flow of marriage, employment, residence, socioeconomic relations and self-evaluation In this part, the author elaborates on the living conditions of Tibetan migrants in the main gathering places in the Mainland and conducts a thorough analysis of their social integration issues based on the investigation of their living conditions. This article finds that the Tibetan population migrates to the interior more frequently, but the social relations in the place of entry are relatively simple, the ethnic group and geographical identity are more prominent, and there is a strong desire to integrate into the place where social integration takes place. However, Restrictions on the scope of contacts, its integration there are still some difficulties and problems.
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