Review of Older Learners in SLA Research

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lenchoguo
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1. Introduction

  The article is a review of a research article about older learners’ aptitudes, processes, and outcomes in learning English in second language acquisition. The name of this article is Older Learners in SLA Research: A First Look at Working Memory, Feedback and L2 Development. I choose this article because is a research into age-related difference in the processes and outcomes of second language acquisition that is an interesting topic. Meanwhile, there are not many other researches about the area of elderly of learning English as a second language.
  The first part of this review is the theory part that related to age and second language learning. In the second part, the main points of the article and author’s findings and arguments will introduced. The third part, I will provide my own ideas about this case study. In the last part, the implications and the future development of the relationship between age and English as a second language learning will be discussed.

2. Age and second language learning

  According to Lightbown, P. M., Spada, N. (2013, 92), the relationship between age and second language learning is complicated and controversial. They indicated a common phenomenon that children from immigrant families can speak the second language better than their parents. This phenomenon may show that there are relationships between age and second language learning. The Critical Period Hypothesis is used to explain this situation. The Critical Period Hypothesis is that there is a period of time during the human study and grow, when the brain is a trend to get success in second language learning. But learners start to learn not in this period could not be successful as learners in that period. Some further findings provide evidence that there may be multiple critical periods that are relevant to different aspects of language learning. Such as, the period of the ability of learning pronunciation is earlier than vocabulary.
  Some other ideas that support the learning conditions for children and adults are different that would be the reason of the phenomenon that mentioned before. Younger learners are in the informer situations that have more time to practice but adults are under high pressure to speak fluently and accurately and also they have to use complex language to express more complicated opinions. Besides, some researches show that older learners have learned second languages more efficient than young learners with metalinguistic knowledge, memory strategies and problem solving skills. In fact,Robert Dekeser(2000) did some research and indicated that the study ways of adult learners and young children learners are different.   The working memory is related to the area of cognitive functioning that includes: executive control, and/or processing speed and predict language performance. And also Baddeley (2003, p837) points out that working memory is “an integrated system for temporarily storing and manipulating information”. This means working memory is a significant part of second language learning. (Doughty, C. J.,
【摘要】本文通过对两组大学生进行对比听力训练及测试,分析移动终端这种新型学习方式对大学生听力学习的影响,并通过调查问卷反馈,对此方式的推广提出了建议,以期对我国英语教学改革提供参考。  【关键词】英语听力;移动终端;对比分析  【作者简介】李娜,李玉蓉,冯彤,张书宁,陈涛,上海电机学院。  【基金项目】本文系2018年上海大学生科创项目“移动学习终端对大学生英语听力水平提升的作用调查”(编号A1-
【摘要】随着新教改的不断推行,新的教学理念和教学方式不断地涌现,其中课堂互动的教学模式也越来越受到认可和重视。本文通过探讨课堂教学模式在高中教学中的具体运用策略,希望可以为高中英语老师提供借鉴和参考。  【关键词】课堂互动教学模式;高中英语教学;运用  【作者简介】李红梅,安徽省庐江第二中学。引言  本文通过分析在高中英语教学中运用课堂互动教学模式的意义,进而提出具体的运用策略,希望可以使得高中英
【摘要】微课作为一种新型的教学模式,具有短小精炼、主题突出、交互性强和资源多样等特点。微课改变了传统单一的教学模式,能有效提高中职英语教学效率,满足不同学生的个体需求。本文分析了微课在中职珠宝专业英语教学课堂上的具体应用。  【关键词】中职英语;微课;教学模式;有效应用  【作者简介】萧建蕾,青岛经济职业学校。  数字技术的发展使得中职教学手段不断更新,微课是目前应用较为广泛的信息化教学方法之一,
【摘要】随着我国社会快速的发展,信息技术已经成为人们日常生活中的一部分,并且在各个领域中都有广泛的应用,也被运用在初中英语课堂中,辅助老师进行教学,提高课堂的教学质量和学生们的学习兴趣。本文对信息技术在初中英语课堂教学中应用进行研究,并提出些许建议。  【关键词】初中英语;信息技术;课堂教学  【作者简介】凌洁,江苏省扬州市竹西中学。  英语学科在初中英语教学中是三大主科之一,不仅对学生中考成绩有
【摘要】思维导图作为一种思考工具和可视化学习方法,在高中英语阅读策略训练中具有重要的作用和价值。本文在认知理论的基础上,从内涵、用途、使用文本等角度,介绍思维导图中的括号图、气泡图、树状图及流程图,充分说明思维导图促进高考英语阅读答题的有效性。  【关键词】高中英语阅读;思维导图;新课标  【作者简介】李能能,常州市田家炳高级中学。  一、引言  高中英语阅读需要培养学生获取并处理信息的能力。但是
【摘要】高职院校学生的独特性对英语教学提出了独特的要求。为适应高职院校学生的独特性,解决教学中面临的独特教学难题,本文探索了分层教学在高职院校中的运用。首先分析了高职院校学生的独特性、实施分层教学的必要性,阐述了分层教学的内涵,进而探索了分层教学在高职院校中的具体运用,得出分层教学对学生、课堂教学、教师都产生了积极的正面影响,最后提出了分层教学带来的新的教学难题。  【关键词】独特性;教学难题;因
【摘要】阅读教学是英语教学的重要组成部分,而绘本阅读也逐渐成为小学英语阅读教学资源的有效补充。本文将以《跟上兔子》第二季系列绘本为例,探讨小学英语绘本教学中如何紧扣题目,抓住“文眼”,并围绕“文眼”在教学活动的三个阶段设计有效的问题,从而更好地引导学生理解文本,更好地发展学生的语言能力,思维能力,提升学生的英语核心素养。  【关键词】文眼;有效提问  【作者简介】葛黄荣,江苏省南京市六合区马鞍中心
【摘要】本文以昆明话母语者的日语元音发音为研究对象,通过使用声学分析软件Praat测量昆明话与日语元音共振峰,分析昆明话元音及日语元音发音异同,研究结果将有助于实现昆明话对日语元音发音负迁移的解决策略。  【关键词】昆明话;日语;元音;共振峰;负迁移  【作者简介】马娟,昆明理工大学津桥学院。  一、引言  语言行为是人类最能有别于动物,也是人类最为重要的工具之一。在很早以前,美国结构语言学家萨丕
教学过程  Step1: Warming-up (let’s watch a funny video-order food in poor English).  (设计意图:让学生们观看用蹩脚英语点餐的视频,一方面是为了渲染课堂气氛,激发学生的学习热情。让学生自己感悟学会用英语点餐是很重要的。另一方面是为了引出本课的话题-order food)。  Step2: Learn and practic
【摘要】在新课标提出全面培养学生综合素养的课程目标前提下,通过翻转课堂的实例论证开展高中英语词汇教学策略的研究和探索。以主题为引领、以语篇为依托、以活动为途径,以培养核心素养为目标,探索并实践基于新课标的英语词汇教学策略与方式,在词汇教学中让学生成为学习的主人,真正实现新课标里的语言能力目标、文化意识目标、思维品质目标和学习能力目标。  【关键词】新课标;词汇教学;主题;语篇;活动;核心素养  【