光肩星天牛Anoplophora qlahripennis (Motsch)在我省主要为害银糖槭,近年趋于严重,每年不少县林场、苗圃、林科所引种的银糖槭都遭受不同程度的危害,严重者全部枯死。为此,笔者进行了观察并做了部分防治试验。为害情况通过直接调查和根据湖南省森林昆虫普查资料,目前已知光肩星天牛在湖南主要林区均有零星分布与为害,以长沙市郊,常德市郊、汉寿、临浬、湘阴、澧县等均有发现。为害严重的主要树种有银
Anoplophora qlahripennis (Motsch) is the main poisoning silver glycyrrhiza in our province. It tends to be serious in recent years. Each year, many silver forest maple trees introduced by forest farms, nurseries and forestry branches of the county suffer from various degrees of harm, all of which are seriously dead. To this end, I conducted observations and made some prevention and control tests. Harm situation Through direct investigation and forest census data based on Hunan Province, it is now known that Shikoninu japonicus has sporadic distribution and damage in major forest areas in Hunan Province. In the suburbs of Changsha, Changde, Hanshou, Linqu, Xiangyin and Yixian, Have found. Major devastating tree species are silver