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建立了一个包括半导体激光器超短光脉冲产生、法布里-珀罗光谱窗消啁啾、在有损光纤及集总光纤放大器组成的链路中进行非线性传输的整体简化理论模型,并利用这一模型进行了数值模拟计算和分析。结果表明,此模型能较真实地反映入射光纤的光脉冲的时域及频域特性,模拟计算所得的结果与实验结果符合得较好。同时还证明了利用法布里-珀罗光谱窗消啁啾后的准孤子脉冲可以用于光孤子传输。 A simplified theoretical model is established for the nonlinear transmission including the generation of ultrashort optical pulses and Fabry-Perot spectral windows in semiconductor lasers and the nonlinear transmission in the links composed of lossy optical fibers and lumped fiber amplifiers. This model is calculated and analyzed numerically. The results show that this model can more accurately reflect the time-domain and frequency-domain characteristics of the incident light, and the simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results. At the same time, it is also proved that quasi - soliton impulse after eliminating chirp by Fabry - Perot spectral window can be used for optical soliton transmission.
如果说2009年全国人大常委会对应对国际金融危机冲击一揽子计划的中央政府公共投资计划部分项目进行专题调研,是人大监督在新的历史条件下所作出的一次有益探索,那么,随着本届全国人大常委会的任期进入到“中盘”,人大监督也渐入佳境,新意频显。  专题询问,是2010年全国人大常委会为进一步丰富监督形式所采取的一个重大举措。专题询问不是一般的解疑释惑,答问之间,彰显了国家权力机关的权威和行政机关对权力机关的