提出一种有效的多雷达系统误差配准算法,该算法采用ECEF(Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed)坐标系作为过渡坐标系,将分散配置的各雷达站的量测数据实时转换到主站(设主站雷达无系统偏差),利用各站同主站之间的量测差值,设计一扩展卡尔曼滤波器,实时估计出各站相对主站之间的系统偏差,从而对网中各雷达进行配准,计算机仿真结果证明了该算法的正确性和有效性。
An effective multi-radar system error registration algorithm is proposed. The algorithm uses the ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed) coordinate system as the transition coordinate system and real-time conversion of the scattered radar data to the master station No systematic deviation of the main station radar). By using the measured difference between each station and the main station, an extended Kalman filter is designed to estimate the system deviation between the main stations relative to the main station in real time, The results of computer simulation show that the algorithm is correct and effective.