客土喷播作为一项兼顾边坡防护和环保功能于一体的生态防护措施 ,较砼喷锚、浆砌片石护坡等传统的防护措施 ,在生态效益和经济效益等方面均具有明显的优越性。本文以昆石高速公路石质边坡生态防护的实践经验 ,通过对钉锚、挂网、基质配比、植物选择等工艺技术环节的改进和调整 ,介绍客土喷播在高速公路的石质边坡防护中的运用
As a kind of ecological protection measures which takes both slope protection and environmental protection functions into account, it has obvious advantages in terms of ecological benefits and economic benefits compared with the traditional protection measures such as concrete spraying anchor and mortar stone slab slope protection . Based on the practical experience of ecological protection of stony slope on Kunming Expressway, this paper introduced the improvement and adjustment of process technology such as nail anchors, netting, matrix ratio and plant selection. Slope protection in the use of