2月2日上午 ,省委副秘书长俞文华 ,省委副秘书长、办公厅主任张曦同志到省档案局 (馆 )看望慰问省档案局 (馆 )干部职工 ,并向大家拜年 ,祝同志们新春愉快。两位副秘书长在省档案局 (馆 )长关继南 ,副局 (馆 )长靳秀华、韩李敏同志的陪同下 ,参观了省档案馆 ,并实地察看了省
On the morning of February 2, Comrade Yu Wenhua, deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee, Comrade Zhang Xi, deputy secretary general of the provincial party committee and director of the general office of the provincial delegation visited the cadres and workers of the Archives Bureau of the Provincial Conviction Bureau and extended their wishes to the members of the Provincial Archives Bureau. Happy New Year. Accompanied by Comrade Jin Xiuhua and Han Limin, the provincial archives (museum) chief Guan Jijin and deputy bureau chiefs, the two deputy secretaries-general visited the provincial archives and inspected the provincial