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国标《船舶噪声级规定》审查会,于1986年9月21日~26日在浙江淳安召开。参加会议的有科研、设计、院校、卫生、船厂和各航运部门等30个单位共46名代表。七名代表组成了领导小组,主持了该国标的审查工作。与会代表在听取了四个主编单位(交通部标准所、上海船研所、中船总七院标准室和武汉水运工程学院)代表介绍后,对国标的内容和条文进行了仔细认真的讨论、评议和审查,最后宣读并通过和标准审查意见,上报国家标准总局审批。审查意见中肯定了主编单位所作的大量工作,认为该国标具有相当的科学性、现实性和先进性,对保护船员健康,促进我国造船技术水平的提高和航运事业的发展将会起到积极作用。 GB “ship noise level” review will be held on September 21, 1986 ~ 26 in Chun'an, Zhejiang. There were 46 delegates from 30 units, including scientific research, design, colleges, health, shipyards and various shipping departments. Seven representatives formed a leading group and presided over the review of the national standard. After listening to the introduction of the representatives of the four chief editorial agencies (Ministry of Communications Standards Institute, Shanghai Institute of Ship Research, China Shipbuilding General Standards Institute and Wuhan Institute of Water Transport Engineering), participants carefully and carefully discussed the contents and provisions of the national standard, Review and review, and finally read and passed the standard review comments, submitted to the State Administration for approval. The review comments affirmed a large amount of work done by the editor-in-chief, believing that the national standard is quite scientific, realistic and advanced and will play an active role in protecting the crew's health, promoting the improvement of China's shipbuilding technology and the development of shipping industry .
(一) 激光技术20多年来的发展是令人兴奋的。它的研究工作进展之快,成果之多是科技发展史上至今最为突出的,激光技术已成为20世纪科学技术发展的重要标志。激光技术本身是一
为了满足某些部门对新型胶接材料研究的需要,我所于72年研制成功了一台CJS 一16型多头蠕变试验机。现将该试验机的概况介绍如下。 In order to meet the needs of certain
历代学者一直认为摆是简单而有规律运动的典范。事实上,摆仍然有不少使我们惊奇之处。 Historians have always considered the model as a simple and regular exercise. I