Four Folk Customs of the Spring Festival(春节民俗四则)

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  Paper Cutting
  李  洁  刘丽娥指导老师
  (湖南省邵东市第一中学1913班  湖南  邵东  422800)
  When it comes to the customs of Chinese spring festival,the first one that I have the intention to share with you is paper cutting. As a hollow-out art,it is one of the oldest handicrafts in China.
  It is commonly believed that paper-cutting originated in the Han dynasty when paper had been invented. Since then,it has gained popularity in many parts of China. One of the reasons for its popularity is that paper cutting requires rather simple tools consisting of scissors and paper,which are easily available for every family.
  The themes of paper cutting vary from animals and plants to the vividly daily life scenes. When preparing for the spring festival,we Chinese people will paste the paper-cutting decorations,especially with auspicious patterns,on the windows and doors after the thorough clean. By doing so,it seems that a happy and prosperous atmosphere is added to the festival and people can express their good wishes to look forward to a happy life.
  Spring couplets
  李孟儒  劉丽娥指导老师
  (湖南省邵东市第一中学1916班  湖南省  邵东市  422800)
  When celebrating the spring festival,we Chinese people tend to paste spring couplets to express our great expectation for the future and convey our good wishes of the New Year.
  As a unique Chinese literary form,spring couplets can be traced back to the Five Dynasties,when there was a folk custom of Chinese new year,peach wood charms against evil. It is widely said that the Emperor Meng Chang inscribed an inspired couplet on a peach slat,beginning a custom which gradually evolved into today’s popular custom of pasting spring couplets.
  The spring couplet is made up of two antithetical sentences on both sides of the door and a horizontal scroll with auspicious words above the gate. Being a traditional custom during the spring festival,each family,poor or rich,educated or ignorant,will select a pair of red couplets carefully and paste them on the door correctly according to the couplet rules. They are firmly convinced that it symbolizes the hopes of the coming new year.
  As for the content of the spring couplets,different people have different choices. For example,some people will paste couplets in relation to making a fortune,while others will pick out those expressing the desire for good luck.
  The Dragon Dance
  唐宇浩  刘丽娥指导老师   (湖南省邵东市第一中学1913班  湖南省  邵东市  422800)
  As we all know,the dragon dance is a form of traditional dance performance in Chinese culture. Not only is it a sport which is beneficial to people's physical health,but also it increases the festive atmosphere for the spring festival.
  People in ancient China held the firm belief that rain was under the control of the dragon,so the dragon dance was performed to pray for the rain and have a good harvest. When it comes to the forms,you will be surprised to know that there are more than one hundred kinds of dragon dance whose performance is increasingly diverse and colorful. The performers have to remember the action when playing and pay attention to the concert between team members.
  There is no doubt that the dragon dance is China's precious cultural heritage,which represents the Chinese spirits of being united and progressive and expresses Chinese people's courage,pride and wisdom.
  羅怡婷  刘丽娥指导老师
  Speaking of staying-up late on New Year’s Eve,people in china will think of a folk tale with regard to a monster named Nian. It is a fierce animal,who always went out on New Year’s Eve to eat people without mercy. Therefore,every family would have a reunion dinner together that night,after which they would sit around the fire,talking and encouraging each other. With time going by,this custom evolved into the most important festival among traditional Chinese festivals.
  People in different times have different understandings of staying-up. The majority of people will set off firecrackers at twelve o’clock to see off the old year and welcome the new year,while others stay up the whole nights to ward off disease and disasters,wishing for good luck in the new year.
  As for me,I have a preference for staying up,where I can enjoy the happiness of a family reunion and greeting the new year together.
学习目标:  1.有感情地朗读课文,感悟老支书在危难面前所表现出来的无私无畏、舍己救人的高尚品质和人格魅力。  2.积累课文特色语言,了解课文布局谋篇、人物刻画、环境描写等方面的表达特点。  3.认识6个生字,学会本课新词、生字词,了解课文内容。  学习重点:  学习课文的表达方法,体会和学习老支书忠于职守、舍己为人的崇高品质。  课时安排:2课时  教学过程:  一、课前谈话、以“桥”为切入口,
摘 要:在新课程改革以来,对小学生的想象力有了新的明确要求,教师在对学生进行语文教学时,要把学生想象力的培养重视起来,帮助提高学生的语文思维创新能力和语文知识的学习能力。本文主要以小学语文教学中对学生想象力的培养策略进行研究,为后期语文教学工作提供参考。  关键词:小学语文;想象力;培养策略  想象力作为学生进行思维创新的基础,是增强学生对语文知识理解能力的重要手段,对于学生来说,知识是有限的,而
摘 要:近几年来,小学语文教学改革的浪潮发生着巨大的变化,各种教育教学方式随着不同时代学生性格、行为习惯的变化而层出不穷,以求可以满足现代化教育发展的时代脚步。如今,学生自杀、他杀、校园暴力、校园欺凌等现象不断发生在小学校园,小学的生命教育就显得尤为重要。本文以生命教育理念下的小学语文部编教材教学方式为研究重点,希望能夠指导老师们在语文新教材的洪流中发挥生命教育的意义,帮助学生在语文课堂的学习中感
摘 要:识字教学是语文教学工作的基础部分,在小学阶段进行识字教学,需依据学生的兴趣与爱好,突出学生思维的发展,采取多种方式搭建学生进行识字学习平台,促进识字有效。同时,识字教学工作在具体的教学过程中,不是简单孤立去学习,往往是与语文阅读教学、习作教学紧密联系起来,以此作为进行识字教学的载体,通过教师的导与学生的学,达到语文课程标准所规定的学习目标。  关键词:小学语文;识字教学;教学策略;提高质量
摘 要:近年来,随着教育的不断深化与新课程标准理念的深入影响,初中阶段的教育教学工作受到了人们的高度重视。在初中阶段,学生能力的提升与兴趣的培养是重要的教育教学工作中组成,通过对学生进行有效性教学,能够提高学生的综合能力,为学生未来的学习与发展奠定基础。初中阶段是学生身体各项器官发育的重要阶段,同时也是快速成长的阶段,在这一阶段下,对学生的体育教学具有必要性与重要性特点。在初中体育教学中,篮球教学
摘 要:思维创新能力对当今社会发展十分重要,对于教育机构培养人才也有了基本要求。只有具备创新思维能力,才能跟上社会发展的腳步,不被时代淘汰。小学阶段是非常有助于激发学生创新思维能力的重要阶段,为了响应时代的要求,在小学数学方面 新课程改革对学生能力提出了更高程度的要求,要求教学重心放在激发和培养学生的创新思维,让学生在学习数学的过程中活络思想大胆创新。  关键词:创新思维;小学数学;有效措施  对
摘 要:通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析等方法对益阳市城区瑜伽教练的现状进行调查分析,发现益阳市城区瑜伽教练数量与质量有待提高,瑜伽教练爱岗敬业精神有待加强,需要高薪引进更多优秀瑜伽教练,加强在职培训,加大瑜伽教练员监管力度,规范瑜伽教练员培训市场,发展壮大益阳市瑜伽教练队伍,促进益阳市瑜伽健身市场良性发展。  关键词:瑜伽教练;现状;对策;益阳市  前言  2020年国家
摘 要:随着时代的发展,现如今社会需要的是全能型人才,拥有深厚的文化底蕴很重要,拥有一个强健的体魄更重要。高中体育教学的目的不仅是提高学生的身体素质,也是为了缓解学生的压力,让他们在高考的重压下身心健康发展。篮球是高中体育的一个重要项目,也是比较受青少年喜欢的球类运动,在高中体育教学中渗透趣味体育理念,不仅能使学生开心地运动,也能促使学生愉悦地学习,让高中生活多姿多彩起来。  关键词:高中体育;篮
摘 要:在新课改背景下,教育部门对课程改革的关注度逐渐提高,同时还要求教师在进行教学时,要把学科的核心素养理念融入到数学课堂教学中,為学生核心素养的提升打下良好的基础。核心素养是指在数学基本特征的基础上,为了促进学生的全面发展、满足社会的发展需求所形成的特定思维品质。小学数学是学生数学核心素养培养的关键要素。本文主要对在核心素养下的小学数学教学的实践进行探究。  关键词:核心素养;小学数学;教学实
摘 要:小学阶段,数学是不可缺少的主要课程之一,它对于学生开发智力、锻炼脑力起着关键性作用。教师要锻炼学生的数学思维就必须充分且合理的利用学生的学习时间,学生在教师的正确引导下,数学知识才能有效提高。为以后开展数学教学奠定良好的基础。  关键词:小学数学;提高;教学质量  在教学实践中,利用不同的途径,采用不同的教学方法是激发学生学习数学的兴趣、培养学生好学、乐学的必要条件。本文以小学数学教学实践