在新编高中物理课本(热学部分)的使用过程中,笔者感到有一些提法应该提出来讨论以期同行指正。一、是“产生热量”还是“内能增加”? 当物体通过热传递而改变内能,内能的变化就用“热量”来量度。热量是专指在热传递过程中,从高温物体转移到低温物体的那部分能量。显然,如果实际过程中并无热传递,也就不牵涉“热量”这一概念。
In the process of using the new high school physics textbook (Thermal Section), I feel that there are some references that should be raised for the sake of peer correction. First, is “heat generation” or “internal energy increase?” When an object changes its internal energy through heat transfer, the change in internal energy is measured using “heat.” Heat refers specifically to the portion of energy that is transferred from a high temperature object to a low temperature object during heat transfer. Obviously, if there is no heat transfer in the actual process, the concept of “heat” is not involved.