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Since its creation in 1987,the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has struggled to establish itself as a meaningful actor in the politico-economic sphere of the South Asian region.During this time,it has consistently been plagued by such factors as a highly bureaucratic and poorly structured administration,parochial and exclusive policy-making processes,an historical inheritance of suspicion and hostility between states,and a lack of commitment on the part of its members,with particular regard to the regional giant,India.The confluence of such undesirable circumstances has severely hampered the organisation's effectiveness and limited its progress.Despite a few small successes,the majority of SAARC activity remains trapped in the stagnant space between idea and action.Nevertheless,in recent years,a number of new opportunities have emerged which,if suitably harnessed,could provide SAARC with a much-needed leg up out of impotence.Key among these is the interest displayed of late by China in becoming more closely integrated with the organisation.Given China's growing preponderance in the global economy,its involvement with SAARC has enormous potential benefits for the latter party.This paper will discuss the nature and scope of China's current engagement with SAARC.It will then consider the range of economic benefits which would accrue to the organisation as a result of deeper integration with China,as well as the many challenges which threaten to impede the realisation of such strengthened ties.
10月11日,湖北省人民检察院汉江分院召开“保护生态环境 促进绿色发展” 专项法律监督工作新闻发布会. 来自江汉石油管理局、汉江河道管理局、田关水利工程管理处、汉江兴隆
问:辽宁大连市杨杰  --我听说省里2012年对企业离休人员的补贴进行了调整,请问具体是如何规定的?
摘 要:随着采深的逐年增加,深部开采过程中巷帮侧压普遍较大,双河煤矿新区3#层受采深及深部矿山压力显现的影响,煤(岩)体破碎、松散,特别是在掘进施工巷道时,巷道片帮严重、两帮位移量明显,传统普通锚杆(玻璃钢帮锚杆)支护无法满足巷帮支护的需求。双河煤矿新区3#层生产过程中每月二次成巷恢复工程量平均为400米,累计全年恢复工程量可达5000米,生产过程中掘进准备巷工程量大幅度增加,致使采煤工作面接续紧
问:辽宁葫芦岛市王聪  --我有一朋友因见义勇为身体致残,请问他能享受工伤的相应待遇吗?
11月10日上午, 大冶市检察院青年干警邓灿来到该院“党建引领?幸福小区”共建单位东鑫社区,以《正风反腐 永远在路上》为题,结合检察工作实际向社区居民宣讲十九大精神, 深入