睾丸网腺癌是一种罕见的肿瘤,迄今为止,全世界文献报告不足80例,我们2011年诊治1例,现结合文献复习报告如下。1临床资料患者,男,66岁,发现左侧阴囊肿块并渐进性增大半年于2011年2月12日入院,既往无睾丸外伤史。体格检查:左侧腹股沟可及数个肿大淋巴结,最大直径约1.0 cm。左侧阴囊肿大,呈实性团块状,大小约12 cm×9 cm×8 cm,表面皮肤高低不平,呈
Testicular adenocarcinoma is a rare tumor, so far, the world reported less than 80 cases of literature, our 2011 diagnosis and treatment of 1 case, are combined with the literature review report is as follows. 1 Clinical data Patients, male, 66 years old, was found on the left scrotum mass and gradually increased six months on February 12, 2011 admitted to the hospital, past history of non-testicular injury. Physical examination: the left groin can reach several enlarged lymph nodes, the maximum diameter of about 1.0 cm. Scrotal enlargement of the left, was solid mass, size of about 12 cm × 9 cm × 8 cm, the surface of the skin rugged, was