2003年3月20日西安违规滞留民工,公安局长亲自向民 工道歉一事已经被多家媒体报道和讨论。之所以能够引起广泛 重视,说明该事件具有一定的普遍性和典型性。结合同样是发生 在3月20日的孙志刚一案,说明此类事件不分地域,问题出在 制度上,但执法人员滥用职权无疑是最直接的原因,如果不从根 本上解决,还会有更多的人步他们的后尘。所以,作为一名法律 人士在分析西安警方违规滞留民工一案时,对民警向民工的道 歉一点也感动不起来。
On March 20, 2003, an illegal apology from migrant workers in Xi’an and a public security bureau chief apologizing to migrant workers have been reported and discussed by many media. The reason why it can attract widespread attention shows that the incident has a certain degree of universality and typicality. In the same case, Sun Zhigang, who took place on March 20, shows that such incidents are irrespective of geographical location and the issue lies in the system. However, the abuse of official power by law enforcement officials is undoubtedly the most direct reason and if it is not fundamentally resolved, there will be More people follow their footsteps. Therefore, as a legal person in the analysis of Xi’an police detained migrant workers illegal case, the police apologize to migrant workers can not afford to move up.