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一进入九十年代以来,我国保险市场出现了前所未有的繁荣景象。究其原因,主要是保险市场引入了竞争机制。中国太平洋保险公司和中国平安保险公司两大全国性保险公司的成立,结束了中国人民保险公司独家经营保险业务的垄断局面,将我国保险业的发展推上了一个新的历史台阶。事实告诉大家,多家办保险、建立真正的保险市场不但是可行的,而且是大有作为的。云南省保险市场同全国保险市场一样,在社会主义市场经济的大潮中,生机勃勃。(一)全省保险业务收入连年创下历史最高纪录一九九二年,全省保险业务收入近六亿元,一九九三年年末则达到九亿元。在这两年中,全省人保系统的保险业务总收入每年均占全省保险业务总收入的百分之九十以上。我省保险业务收入的急剧增加,证明了我省保险业务的蓬勃发展和我省保险市场的巨大潜力,同时也说明,中国太平洋保险公司昆明分公司的成立以及中国平安保险公司云南代理 Since entering the 90s, China’s insurance market has seen unprecedented prosperity. The reason is mainly because the insurance market has introduced a competition mechanism. The establishment of the two national insurance companies, China Pacific Insurance Company and China Ping An Insurance Company, ended the monopoly of PICC exclusive insurance business and pushed the development of China’s insurance industry to a new historical stage. Facts tell you that it is not only feasible but also a success for many to set up insurance and establish a real insurance market. Like the national insurance market, the insurance market in Yunnan Province is full of vitality in the tide of the socialist market economy. (1) Revenue of insurance business in the province hit a record high in recent years In 1992, the province’s insurance business income nearly reached 600 million yuan, reaching 900 million yuan by the end of 1993. In these two years, the total insurance business income of the PICC system in the province accounts for more than 90% of the total insurance business in the province each year. Insurance industry in our province a sharp increase in revenue, proving the vigorous development of insurance business in our province and the great potential of the insurance market in our province, but also shows that the establishment of China Pacific Insurance Company Kunming Branch and China Ping An Insurance Company of Yunnan agent
Objective Bmi-1,a putative proto-oncogene,is a core member of the polycomb gene family,which is expressed in many human tumors.The pl6 protein negatively regula
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只有进水的速度比出水的速度快,水池才有机会蓄满。连锁加盟单店想要赚取利润,必须要让现金流入的速度比现金流出的速度快。    看似“脑残”的小学算术题    相信你小学时,一定见过类似这样的题目:一个100立方米的空水池,进水管每分钟灌X立方米的水,排水管每分钟排Y立方米的水(X>Y)。如果同时打开进水管和排水管,水池多长时间能够蓄满?  你先别觉得它“脑残”,它其实能解释我们单店经营中的许多问题。