全球基础化学品产能迅猛扩张 乙烯、丙烯、甲醇增长最快

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未来5年,全球范围内基础化学品年生产能力将增加约1.13亿吨,其中乙烯、丙烯和甲醇新增能力都将超过3000万吨,另外,对二甲苯、纯苯和氯气等的产能也将有所增长。在近日于新加坡举行的第三届亚洲化学大会上,IHS化学公司全球化工业务发展副总裁马克·艾拉姆就基础化学品在相关地区和国家的投资状况进行了分析。 In the next five years, the annual production capacity of basic chemicals in the world will increase by about 113 million tons, of which ethylene, propylene and methanol will each exceed 30 million tons. In addition, the production capacity of paraxylene, benzene and chlorine Will increase. At the Third Asian Chemical Conference held in Singapore recently, Mark Ilam, vice president of global chemical business development at IHS Chemical Company, analyzed the investment status of basic chemicals in the relevant regions and countries.