
来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bombwang1986
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The International Geological Congress held every four years is a grand event for displaying the latest achievements in geological science and technology and carrying out academic exchange.After the 31st IGC, the Chinese geologists, like their counterparts in the rest of the world, started to pay more attention to the issues facing the world today, including the shortage of energy and resources, geological hazards, environmental degradation and sustainable socio-economic The International Geological Congress held every four years is a grand event for displaying the latest achievements in geological science and technology and carrying out academic exchange. After the 31st IGC, the Chinese geologists, like their counterparts in the rest of the world, started to pay more attention to the issues facing the world today, including the shortage of energy and resources, geological hazards, environmental degradation and sustainable socio-economic
The source parameters of the Yajiang earthquake sequence are calculated based on spectral analysis of S wave data recorded by the Chengdu Digital Seismic Networ
The authors proposed a method for obtaining high-quality acceleration seismograms from velocity type seismograms of digital Seismographic network, and took as a
Problematic phosphatic tubular microfossils with ornamented sculptures are documented to exist in limestones of the up-per Middle Cambrian Huaqiao Formation at
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