沈从文先生因心肌梗塞抢救无效于五月十日突然去世了。据沈夫人张兆和女士说,那天下午沈老和客人谈了一小时话,客人走后,他感到有些不舒服,发冷,盖了三床被还觉冷。直到他停止呼吸,神志都很清楚。临终时还向夫人道歉说,不该没有听她的话,那天中午没有服药。 我第一次看见沈先生是在1972年。那时我的老伴刚从干校调回北京。原有的住房被人占去。全家临时寄居在文学所三楼上。那本是文革时期一个大“牛棚”,空空荡荡,只有一个大乒乓球台。于是我们全家便睡在那只大球台上,垒
Shen Congwen invalid due to myocardial infarction rescue died suddenly on May 10. According to Ms. Shen Zhao and Mrs. Zhang Zhaohe, at that afternoon Shen Shen talked with the guests for a one-hour talk. After leaving, he felt uncomfortable and chills. He was covered in three beds and was still cold. Until he stopped breathing, consciousness is clear. Apologize to his wife at the end of his life, saying that she should not have not listened to her words and did not take medicine at noon that day. The first time I saw Mr. Shen was in 1972. At that time, my wife just transferred back to Beijing from the cadre school. The original housing was taken. The whole family temporarily resided in the literature on the third floor. That was a large “bullpen” during the Cultural Revolution, empty, with only one big ping-pong table. So our whole family will sleep in that big ball stage, base