科学研究的最后阶段是研究成果的发表,但是在杂志上发表论文不是最终目的,医学科研的最终目的是改善人们的身体健康。可是1960年 Worthin-gham 说过,只有在文献中发表科研报告,才能使物理治疗脱离开经验主义的范畴。Michels 重申了A.C,Ivy 的话,理疗中最容易出现的错误是只要病人在治疗中有好转,就认为是某种疗法的作用,但是不治疗也可能照样出现同样的好转。所以必须证明哪些措施对病人有疗效,而不这样做,病人就不可能得到满意地恢复。必须发表有科学根据的论文,以支持说明所用技术和方法的功效.通过报道
The final stage of scientific research is the publication of research results, but publishing the papers in magazines is not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal of medical research is to improve people’s health. However, Worthin-gham said in 1960 that physical therapy could be separated from empiricism only if published in the literature. As Michels reiterated, A.C. Ivy, the most common mistake in physiotherapy is that as long as the patient is better off in treatment, it is considered a therapeutic effect, but the same improvement may still occur with no treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to prove which measures are effective for the patients, and if not, the patients can not be satisfactorily recovered. Scientific papers must be published in support of the effectiveness of the techniques and methods used.