说明:一、冒号前边的数字是期号,后边的数字是页码; 二、消息、补白短文以及图片等均未收入本目录。 ·特别关注·1:3 你追求什么?1:3 钟敏老师来信1:3 赵谦翔老师复信1:4. 钟敏老师回信1:5 改革——为了一种追求 胡荼1:6 领导,你追求什么? 文字2:3 并非就事论事2:3 学习新《课
Explanation: First, the number in front of the colon is the period number, and the number behind is the page number; Second, the message, filler essay and pictures are not included in this catalogue. ·Special attention ·1:3 What do you pursue? 1:3 Letter from Teacher Zhong Min 1:3 Teacher Zhao Qianxiang’s reply 1:4. Teacher Zhong Min’s reply 1:5 Reform - For a pursuit of Hu Hao 1:6 leadership, you What to pursue? Text 2:3 Not on the matter 2:3 Learning new lessons