目前,我国市场上很多中小排量的摩托车是采用6V磁电机照明线圈给前照灯供电(如图1)。这类车型如JH70、DY90、CY80等,普遍存在着前照灯照度不尽如人意的问题,尤其是在夜间与汽车会车或因转弯、路况不佳需要减速的情况下,因照度不足,骑手看不清路面,而使人胆颤心惊,严重影响了行车安全。 为了改善前照灯照度,不少摩友提出了一些措施,如有人用升压线圈将前照灯电压由6V升高到12V,也有人干脆将电路全部换成12V系统。这些办法虽在一定程度上改善了前照灯照度,但是需要指出的是,发动机低转速下前照灯的照度仍无明显改观,且花费不少。 笔者经过反复实践,已成功地解决了磁电机低转速下前照灯照度不足的问题——即采用简易自动转换装置。在磁电机低转速时,由蓄电池向前照灯直接供电;待磁电机转速升高时,再恢复成磁电机供电。这
At present, many small displacement motorcycles on the market in our country use the 6V magneto lighting coil to power the headlamps (as shown in Fig. 1). Such models such as JH70, DY90, CY80, there is widespread headlight illumination is not satisfactory, especially in the night and the car will be car or because of turning, poor road conditions need to slow down, due to lack of illumination, Riders can not see the road, leaving people alarmed, seriously affecting traffic safety. In order to improve the headlamp illumination, a lot of friends put forward some measures, such as someone with a boost coil headlamp voltage increased from 6V to 12V, some people will simply replace the circuit 12V system. Although these measures to a certain extent, improve the headlamp illumination, but it should be pointed out that the engine speed at low headlight illumination still no significant improvement, and cost a lot. After repeated practice, the author has successfully solved the problem of inadequate illumination of the headlamp under the low speed of the magneto - that is, adopting a simple automatic conversion device. Magneto low speed, by the battery directly to the headlamps power supply; to be magneto speed, then restored to magnetic power. This