1.培育壮苗 郑州地区2月20日前后浸种催芽,温室育苗。用40%—50%腐熟优质的农家肥与60%—50%的大田土过筛,配制成培养土装钵。待种子露白时播入浇透水的营养钵中,然后覆盖地膜。当50%以上种子出苗时,于当天下午揭去地膜,进行正常管理。苗龄1个月左右。 2.适时定植 郑州地区一般在3月20日前后定植,若有草苫覆盖,可提前到3月10日前后定植(育苗期也相
1. To cultivate strong seedlings Zhengzhou area February 20 soaking germination, greenhouse nursery. With 40% -50% decomposed high-quality farm manure and 60% -50% of the field of soil screening, preparation of soil cultivation pot. To be exposed to the seeds when the seeds in the water drip nutrition bowls, and then cover the film. When more than 50% of seed germination, mulching in the afternoon of the same day, the normal management. Miao age of about 1 month. 2. Proper planting Zhengzhou area generally around March 20 planting, if the grass mulch coverage, can be planted ahead of March 10 (seedling phase also