,High temperature determines the ups and downs of small brown planthopper Laodelphax striatellus pop

来源 :中国昆虫科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bhkj1gjdgjsj456854
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Small brown planthopper,Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén) numbers usually drop sharply in the summer and revive quickly in the autumn.However,it is unclear whether and how the high temperature plays a role in this process.The effects of durations of heat exposure (33℃) on life-history traits were examined here.Exposure of adults for 1 day during the oviposition stage led to a very low survival of nymphs.The average longevity ofL.striatellus exposed for 1-31 days from oviposition was significantly longer than that of the control (27℃).Short-term (1-5 days) heat exposure of the third instar nymphs did not significantly influence eclosion,but exposure of the fourth instar nymphs significantly increased eclosion.Lifespan from egg to adult was significantly lengthened when the third instar nymphs were exposed to heat for 2-15 days,or the fourth instar were exposed for 10 days.The preoviposition period was prolonged by heat exposure of the third or fourth instar nymphs.Short-term heat exposure of less than 3 days of the third or fourth instar nymphs did not restrict fecundity,but when the exposure duration exceeded 5 days the total eggs per female and hatchability decreased.Exposure to high temperature increased the brachypter rate of adults.In summary,low survival and slowing development under heat exposure resulted in population decline in the summer,and the relatively high fecundity and brachypter rate led to quick revival in autumn.Temperature in the summer determines the rise and fall in numbers of L.striatellus.
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