1983年春,临别英京伦敦之前,幸蒙英国友人皇家植物园邱园的一位植物学家福尔曼(L. Forman)先生盛情将他本人精心培育的一株我国特有的镜面草馈赠给我作为纪念。在话别时,他又语重深长地叮咛:“你可要把这株植物种活养好,日后我有机会访北京时要亲自来看它!”从此,这种在欧洲已经落户数十载的小草又重新返回了自己的老家。为了使这株象征着中英两国植物学家深厚友谊的植物能够在首都成活和茁壮生长,我始终对它细心培育。如今这株从英国带回的珍贵植物,不但生长良好,而且已经繁殖出了数十盆枝叶繁茂的新植株。镜面草又称翠屏草(云南),原产云南大理。早在清代吴其浚著的《植物名实图考》一书中就有记载:“镜面草生云南圃中。根茎黑糙,附茎、附根发叶。
In the spring of 1983, before leaving Beijing for London, L. Forman, a botanist at the Royal Botanic Gardens of the British Friends at Royal Botanic Gardens, was grateful to present me a specially made mirror grass of my own kind commemorate. When he said good-bye, he said again and again: “You have to cultivate this plant species, and when I have a chance to visit Beijing in the future, I will come and see it!” Since then, this has been settled in Europe for decades The grass returned to their home again. In order to make this plant, symbolizing the deep friendship between Chinese and British botanists, able to survive and thrive in the capital, I have always nurtured it carefully. Today, this strain of precious plants brought back from England not only grows well, but also has produced dozens of new plants lush in foliage. Mirror grass, also known as Green screen grass (Yunnan), native Yunnan Dali. As early as the Qing Dynasty Wu Qijun “plant name map test” a book there is recorded: "Mirror grass Yunnan cloud nursery rhizome black and rough, with stems, root hair.