由于飞行职业对身体的要求,飞行员每日摄入的热量和营养素量大。退休以后,运动量减少,能量需要减少,长期养成的高糖、高脂肪饮食习惯易造成肥胖。而肥胖者易患糖尿病、高血压、冠心病及脑血管病。笔者1997~2004年担任了空军一批退休飞行员的保健工作,取得一些经验,现介绍如下。1 一般资料退休的空军飞行员20名,均为男性,年龄50~65岁。体重超重者12人,占60%,其中身体质量指数大于25者8人,占40%。被确诊为冠心病者6
Due to the occupational requirements of the flying profession, pilots daily intake of calories and nutrients large. After retirement, the amount of exercise reduced, the need to reduce energy, long-term development of high-sugar, high fat diet can easily lead to obesity. The obese susceptible to diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. The author from 1997 to 2004 as a group of retired pilots of the Air Force’s health care work, and gained some experience, are described below. 1 General Information 20 retired Air Force pilots, all male, aged 50-65. 12 were overweight, accounting for 60%, of whom 8 were over 25, accounting for 40%. Was diagnosed with coronary heart disease 6