
来源 :内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AJ0704
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在生物科学领域,进化论以生存竞争与自然选择说明了生物进化的规律。生物科学领域的进化论思想同样适用于社会学。在近代中国,进化论的思想发展经历了地主阶级改良派进化论思想,资产阶级维新派进化论思想和资产阶级革命派进化论思想三个阶段。 In the field of biological science, evolution states the law of biological evolution with survival competition and natural selection. The idea of ​​evolution in the field of biological sciences is equally applicable to sociology. In modern China, the development of evolution thought went through three stages: the theory of evolution of the landlord classes, the theory of evolution of the bourgeois reformers and the theory of evolution of the bourgeois revolutionaries.