树蔸引来外国佬,夸赞为民好代表。2000年5月26日,东南亚14国26个农业高级官员在巴基斯坦农业部副部长布塔博士的带领下考察长阳土家族自治县高家堰镇根艺盆景后,高兴的对时任宜昌市第二届人大代表、镇委书记、镇人大主席王怀炳说: “我从你们这里看到了中国共产党是一个充满生机和活力的执政党!”短短一句话,揭示出一名党的干部、人大代表的公仆情怀和为民本色。王怀炳任市人大代表近5年,其间为老百姓说的话、办的事、解的忧恐怕难以用数据来统计,唯有秤砣民心、巨变民情才是最好的铁证。
Tree 蔸 attracted foreign guys, praised as a good representative of the people. On May 26, 2000, 26 senior agricultural officials from 14 Southeast Asian countries under the leadership of Dr. Buta, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Pakistan, visited the root bonsai in Gaojiayan Town, Changyang Tujia Autonomous County, Wang Huai-bing, chairman of the NPC deputies and secretary of the township people’s congress, said: “I have seen from you that the Chinese Communist Party is a ruling party full of vigor and vitality.” In just a few words, it reveals that the party’s cadres and deputies Public servant feelings and character for the people. Wang Huaiing Ren city deputies for nearly five years, during which the people say things to do, worry about the solution is difficult to use data to statistics, the only people who weigh the scales, change the people’s feelings is the best evidence.