今年最新的春/夏时装,以各式各样的布料缝制,色彩浓淡兼备,款式种类之多,足可让女士们应付各类不同场合的需要。潮流触觉敏锐的上海女性透过数场香港时装表演,更精确地掌握今年时尚资讯。 闲逸配套以鲜艳夺目的颜色和印花为主题,款式包括缀以色彩丰富的绣花的桃红和红
This year’s latest spring/summer fashion is sewn with a wide variety of fabrics, with both shades of color and style. The variety of styles allows women to meet the needs of various occasions. The trend-sensitive Shanghai women have mastered this year’s fashion information more precisely through several Hong Kong fashion shows. The leisure package is themed with vibrant colors and prints. The style includes pink and red embroidered with colorful embroidery.