“年”——应该是有颜色的。宋代诗人真山民在《新年》的诗里有这样的句子:“杏桃催换新颜色,惟有寒梅老一年。”过年就是换颜色,需要让色彩焕然一新。那么,“年”的颜色是什么样子呢?人们首先会想到,“年”是红色的。“嫩绿枝头红一点,动人春色不须多”;“千红万紫报春光……”春联是红的,年画是红的, 花灯是红的,蜡烛是红的,大年三十晚上吃的糖葫芦是红的,孩子的脸蛋儿是红的,新衣服也多是大红的,“利市”的封包自然就更是红的了……红红火火,喜气洋洋,春节就该是“红海洋”。还有一说,“年”是黄色的。过年离不开酒,“无复屠苏梦,挑灯夜未央”。酒就是黄的。“爆竹声中一岁除”,爆竹也是黄的,炸响后的烟雾同样是黄的。财富、金子是黄的。更重要的是,在中国传统习俗中,黄色代表吉祥尊贵。其实,我倒是以为,“年”的真
“Year” - It should be colored. In the poem “The New Year”, the true poets of the Song Dynasty poets, Shan Mingmin, had this sentence: “Apricot revitalizes the new colors, but Han Mei is only one year old.” The New Year is a change of color, and we need to make the colors look new. Then, what is the color of “Year”? People first think that “Year” is red. “The green branches are red, and the moving springs are not much”; “The colorful springtime...” The Spring Festival couplets are red, the New Year pictures are red, the lanterns are red, the candles are red, and the New Year’s Eve evening The candied fruit is red, the child’s face is red, and the new clothes are mostly red. The packets of the “benefiting city” are naturally more red... It is booming and full of joy. The Spring Festival should be “Red Ocean.” “. Another thing to say is that ”Year“ is yellow. Chinese New Year can not be separated from the wine, ”No Tu Su dream, picking lights night is not the central.“ Wine is yellow. ”In addition to the one-year-old firecrackers, the firecrackers are yellow, and the smoke after the blast is yellow. Wealth and gold are yellow. More importantly, in traditional Chinese customs, yellow represents good fortune. Actually, I think it is the truth of “Year”