
来源 :贵阳中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cynthia0737
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患者,男性,61岁,病案号9748793,1997年6月17日以“右拇指骨感染”由内科转入。患者70余天前因左拇指外伤挤压而致肿胀疼痛,伤后1月肿胀未见消退,在某院诊为外伤感染给予抗感染治疗,但肿胀仍未消退,而呈逐渐加重之势,遂于20余天前在该院行脓肿切开引... The patient, male, 61 years old, medical record No. 9748793, transferred to the right thumb bone on June 17, 1997, and was transferred from internal medicine. The patient was swollen and pained due to the compression of the left thumb more than 70 days ago. The swelling did not disappear in January after the injury. In a hospital diagnosis of traumatic infection, anti-infective treatment was given, but the swelling did not subside and it gradually increased. More than 20 days ago in the hospital for abscess incision ...